Address the issue of yellow stains caused by lime deposits and uric acid in toilets.
Suggest creating a paste with coarse salt and a little water, applying it to stains, and leaving it overnight before scrubbing away with a brush.
For enhanced effectiveness, recommend adding baking soda to the salt mixture.
Cleaning Toilets and Showers:
Explain the effectiveness of salt for cleaning and whitening bathroom fixtures like toilets and showers.
Propose a mixture of baking soda and coarse salt with water to form a thick paste, applying it with a sponge, and allowing it to act for a few hours before rinsing for a sparkling finish.
Tackling Humidity and Mold:
Discuss how salt can be a natural dehumidifier in moisture-prone bathrooms.
Recommend placing glasses filled with coarse salt in bathroom corners to absorb excess moisture, changing or drying the salt as needed.
Removing Limescale on Faucets and Tiles:
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