In 2001, the world of entertainment would witness the birth of a new entity. Together with Spice Girls manager Simon Fuller, Simon Cowell created the program Pop Idol, on which he starred as a judge. The show became a smash-hit among the viewers, and Simon became a mega-celebrity overnight.
His tight T-shirt and now classic catchphrase, “I don’t mean to be rude but,” became a trademark. Just one year later, Fox picked up the show. Now it was headed for the US, and Simon had all of a sudden become a celebrity across the Atlantic.
The first season finale – which Kelly Clarkson won – attracted more than 26 million viewers, and Simon quickly understood that there was a huge amount of money to be made here.
He decided to release special American Idol-themed records, with Simon Fuller owning and being in charge of the show, as well as managing the winners.
Simon Cowell – net worth
Simon was transformed into a multi-millionaire in just a couple of years. The talent shows, including X Factor and America’s Got Talent, generated huge amounts of money for him, as well as other record companies, and in 2006, he landed a new deal.