WD-40 can help remove permanent marker stains from many surfaces.
11. Shine Leather Shoes
Spray a small amount on leather shoes and buff them for a quick shine.
12. Unstick Rings
Spray WD-40 on a stuck ring to slide it off your finger with ease.
13. Clean Car Headlights
Restore foggy headlights by spraying WD-40 and wiping with a soft cloth.
14. Remove Grease Stains
Spray on grease stains in clothing before washing to help lift the stain.
15. Keep Locks from Freezing
Spray WD-40 in locks during cold weather to prevent freezing.
16. Stop Ant Trails
Spray WD-40 on ant trails to disrupt their scent paths.
17. Prevent Rust on Bike Chains
Keep your bike chain rust-free by spraying WD-40 regularly.
18. Quiet Squeaky Hinges
A classic use—a quick spray will stop the squeak.
19. Remove Lipstick Stains
WD-40 can help lift lipstick stains from fabric.
20. Clean and Protect Chrome
Spray on chrome surfaces to clean and prevent tarnish.
21. Free Sticky Drawers
Spray on drawer slides to make them open and close smoothly.
22. Repel Insects
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Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes
Savory Onion-Infused Burgers from Oklahoma
Corn cooked in a skillet with honey and butter
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Yummy in my tummy! My hubby seems to be able to devour 3 lbs of potatoes all by himself!
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