5 Easy Habits to Stop to Reduce Belly Size in an Instant | March 22, 2025

Every inch counts when it comes to belly size, and there are simple habits you can eliminate to get a flatter stomach.


A bloated belly can be caused by excess air trapped in your digestive tract, over-drinking, or that favorite steak your grandma keeps serving you. Whatever the cause, reducing your belly or at least not feeling bloated anymore can provide you with many benefits.

Eating Too Fast
We are all busy, rushing to different destinations, and carrying out our regular activities under pressure. However, there are some things that you should always do in moderation, such as eating.

Eating too fast causes you to swallow air which produces gas and increases the size of your belly. This is not a myth. You feel bloated when you have eaten too fast. It also slows down digestion. Stephanie Middleberg, a nutritionist in New York, of Middleberg Nutrition, explains the reasons behind this. When you eat in a hurry, you do not chew thoroughly, and larger pieces of food are left in your intestines during the digestion process. The digestive enzymes were not able to perform their functions properly. Also, your body did not have time to sense the amount you ingested, and ultimately, you put more food into your body than it needed.

The solution? Eat slowly and take your time.


Soda Addiction
It’s sweet, refreshing, and it makes your life complete. But those little bubbles that give you that fizzy feeling can make your stomach bloat, according to Middleberg. And if you think diet soda is any different because it has artificial sweeteners, think again. Diet soda is even worse. Artificial sweeteners can’t be digested and they make your stomach bloat, plus they make your body acidic.

The solution? Stop drinking soda and switch to freshly made juices and smoothies, purified water, lemon water, and flavored water.

You Love Packaged Foods
Sodium, when taken in excess, is bad for your health and your belly. Packaged foods are high in sodium. It is one of the main preservatives in processed foods, and it also serves to cause addiction to these foods. This includes your favorite chips. Foods disguised as healthy options like cereals, soups, and salad dressings can also contain high amounts of salt.

Janet Brill, a Philadelphia-area nutritionist and author of Blood Pressure Down, cautions that “it’s a safe bet that almost anything packaged contains a lot more salt than you think, and you’re unlikely to even taste it.”


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