6 Reasons To Smudge Your Home + DIY Wild-Foraged Smudge Sticks | March 22, 2025

Smudging your home offers many benefits, from purifying the air to creating a peaceful, calming environment.


If burning herbs to cleanse your home and aura of negative energies sounds strange to you, keep reading with an open mind. After all, curiosity often leads to valuable discoveries.

Smudging is not a new practice, nor is it something to fear. Indigenous cultures, including Native American tribes, have been using the ritual of burning native herbs for centuries, creating both ceremonial and spiritual experiences. Dried herbs such as Indian tobacco, sweetgrass, sage, and cedar were often tied into bundles known as smudge sticks, used to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit. It’s a practice that can benefit everyone today.

Before dismissing smudging as “too woo-woo” for you, consider these six important reasons to give it a try. Always remember to approach the practice with respect for the cultures and traditions that have carried it forward.

And, if you’re not into connecting with the spirit realm, think of a smudge stick as an ancient form of incense that offers many benefits in its own right.
Benefits of Smudging Your Home


The first time you burn a smudge stick—whether homemade or purchased—you’ll likely find the scent uplifting, even instinctive and primordial. It connects us to a time when smoke from fires kept us warm, safe, and grounded.

Before we explore how to create your own smudge stick, let’s look at six reasons to incorporate smudging into your routine.
1. Clear Negative Energy

Smudging is a simple way to ward off negative energies. If your home feels cluttered, it may be more than just the physical mess that needs attention. Clutter can contribute to a sense of chaos, potentially raising stress levels and creating negative energy. Smudging—creating a “smoke bath”—can help clear stagnant energy and restore balance to your space. If lingering arguments or tension are in the air, a smudge stick might be just what you need. Don’t forget to open the windows afterward to let the negativity out!
2. Clear Your Mind

Smudging can act as a natural anti-depressant by removing positive ions from the air. In modern homes, technology, carpeting, and even paint release positive ions that can affect our mood and energy levels. Nature, however, produces beneficial negative ions. These negative ions help reduce inflammation, boost mood, and foster relaxation. Smudging clears the air, which in turn clears your mind and supports emotional well-being.
3. Clear the Air


Smudging can also help purify the air in your home by destroying bacteria, mold spores, pet dander, and dust. This can be especially helpful for people with respiratory issues, asthma, or allergies. Sage, which is commonly used in smudge sticks, is known for its antimicrobial properties and can help fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi. While you may not want to inhale the smoke directly, it’s safe for others to perform the smudging while you stay out of the smoke.
4. Cleanse Objects

Every object holds energy, including the new or second-hand items you bring into your home. Smudging can help clear any residual negative energy attached to these objects. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry, furniture, or even clothing, smudging items as you introduce them into your space ensures that they come in with positive energy, ready to be used and appreciated.
5. Experience Calm and Relaxation

By removing negative energies and encouraging positive ones, smudging can promote a sense of calm and relaxation. The act of burning white sage, for example, has been shown to activate specific brain receptors that reduce stress and relieve pain. Smudging can help you lower your blood pressure and release tension, creating a peaceful environment for relaxation.
6. Improve Sleep

Smudging may also enhance your sleep. Many people report feeling more at peace and less anxious after smudging their space, which can lead to better sleep quality. Sage, in particular, is said to help soothe anxiety and improve sleep, making it an ideal herb to include in your smudge sticks.
DIY Wild-Foraged Smudge Sticks

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