4. Water Saucer Method
Placing a filled water saucer beneath your pot can help, but be mindful of overwatering.
Necessary Items:
Potted plant
Setup Process:
Position a water-filled saucer under your pot so that the plant can wick up moisture as needed.
5. Craft A Mini-Greenhouse
With a plastic bag and a few skewers, you can create a humidity-filled environment for your plant.
Necessary Items:
Plastic bag or wrap
Bamboo skewers (optional)
Setup Process:
Water the plant, cover it with a plastic bag, and close it up to trap evaporating moisture.
6. Opt for Self-Watering Planters
For a hands-off approach, these planters have an in-built watering mechanism.
Necessary Items:
Self-watering planter
Setup Process:
Install your plant in the planter, fill the reservoir, and let the system do the rest.
continued on next page