How to Permanently Rid Your Home of Fleas, Ants, and Cockroaches | February 20, 2024
How to Permanently Rid Your Home of Fleas, Ants, and Cockroaches
Addressing the presence of cockroaches in your home can pose a challenging and vexing situation. These persistent insects thrive in warm and humid conditions, often navigating your surroundings in search of food, particularly in the kitchen, during the night. Maintaining impeccable hygiene is paramount to dissuade these unwelcome visitors. Fortunately, there are effective natural methods to combat this issue.

250 ml of liquid detergent
500 ml of alcohol or apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons of cloves
50 ml of water
Preparation Steps:
Boil 50 ml of water in a saucepan.
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