Billy pays a hefty price for his honesty and gets fired just two hours after being hired.
While he’s clueless about how he’ll afford his wife’s urgent surgery, Billy finds $70,000 and a chilling note in his mailbox the next day.It was Billy’s first day on the job. The veteran, 70, smiled warmly as he shuffled through the aisles, arranging the new stocks. Suddenly, a customer in a crisp suit approaching the checkout distracted him. “Excuse me. Can you please tell me how much this toy costs?” the man asked the manager, pointing to a box marked ‘limited edition.’ “I left my glasses in the office, so I can’t see clearly.”

Chicken Bubble Biscuit Bake Casserole Recipe
Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: here are 10 clever uses in the garden
Crafting Turmeric and Oat Soup
Why Grow Old When We Can Be Forever Young! Slow Down Aging with Olive Oil, Lemon Juice, and Honey
Lemon garlic butter shrimp
Crockpot Chili Recipe
The Sweet Side of Health: Embracing the Wonders of Sweet Potatoes in Your Kitchen
I wash the floor with this ingredient, I perfume the house and the insects and cockroaches are gone.
Tip: Your kitchen will smell good and all the flies will disappear