It’s inevitable. If you cook every day, it is inevitable that your gas stove will get dirty with food residue or burnt fat. It is therefore important that you clean your oven every day, especially the gas burners, because if they become clogged, there is a risk that they will not heat well. This is why maintaining your appliance is essential and for this, nothing is easier than these two tips based on natural products.
Gas burners clogged with fat are the daily routine of those who cook a lot. Although they may seem difficult to clean, the task is not as difficult as you might think, as long as cleaning is done regularly. These are the tips for a quick, easy and above all effective cleaning.
Two tips for cleaning gas burners
1. Marseille soap
For this trick you will need:
2 liters of water
A used toothbrush with soft bristles.
a large basin
Marseille soap
White vinegar
Marseille soap has many cleaning properties to remove stubborn stains from your gas stove, but also to maintain the house and clean and shine dirty floors. With this mixture of white vinegar, it will help you make your gas burners shine.
How to do it?
To better benefit from the benefits of Marseille soap, you can grate it into flakes. Then boil a pot of water to dissolve the soap. Once you have obtained a homogeneous solution, pour it into a container and add the white vinegar.
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