Almost all insecticides on the market, although effective against mosquitoes and flies, force us to expose ourselves to chemical and toxic substances that are very dangerous for our health. In addition, they pollute the air and the environment in which we live.
Below we explain how to prepare an effective natural repellent to keep insects away and protect our health. This is a natural recipe that is particularly effective against flies and mosquitoes.
Mosquito bites are very common and annoying. In some cases they can be dangerous because, in addition to irritation, they can cause swelling, inflammation or allergies.
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Delicious and Nutritious: Banana, Avocado, and Carrot Smoothie
Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry
Using Bay Leaves with a Q-Tip to Alleviate Ringing and Noise in the Ears
Put raw chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker with these 3 ingredients. You’ll want it every night.
This Recipe Can Be Achieved With Only 2 Ingredients
Pecan Pie Balls: A Sweet and Crunchy Delight
Classic Stuffed Cannelloni with Meat and Tomato Sauce
Lentils and Sweet Potato: A Weekly Wonder