Wash the dishes, chase away the dust and all the unpleasant odors that can become embedded in your home, remove limescale deposits, polish the cutlery… Household chores are endless and home maintenance requires patience and time. Some tend to gravitate towards common household products full of chemicals that threaten the environment. Others favor the use of natural and eco-friendly tricks, which are no less effective. Have you ever tried washing your bedding, and in particular your yellowed pillows, with white vinegar? It’s a safe bet that once you’ve tried this trick, you won’t be able to do without it.
Over time, your pillows can turn yellowish and cause a buildup of harmful bacteria . If we tend not to pay attention to this detail on the pretext that we cover them before resting our head on them, the truth is that germs can proliferate even with a pillowcase. This object that accompanies our nights takes up a lot of space and must be cleaned periodically and properly.
In addition, some people do not necessarily think about covering their pillows and expose themselves to considerable risks. To teach you how to whiten your yellowed pillows in an ecological and fast way, here is a simple, natural and extremely effective trick.
The dangers of yellowed pillows
According to Dr. Charles Gerba , a microbiologist, the pillow is a nest of germs in the bedroom and most people don’t necessarily think to change it regularly. “Your face is all the time, that means a lot of microorganisms,” he explains. Knowing that bacteria tend to accumulate in a dark, moist environment, it’s not uncommon for these pathogens to invade the pillow during the night.
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