A bottle of white vinegar is enough to solve 4 problems at home | March 7, 2025

Of all our dishes, glasses are undoubtedly the ones we want to keep clean and in place at all times.


But it’s a real Chinese puzzle. We can spend hours trying to remove rings, get rid of certain stubborn stains or make them less opaque, shinier. In the process, we use many chemical products that turn out to be ineffective and above all dangerous. Glass is so delicate and fragile that we are afraid of damaging it.

In reality, you could use a single natural ingredient to say goodbye to all these little everyday inconveniences.

And this miracle product is none other than vinegar! Here’s how to use it to solve the 4 most common glass problems.

Cleaning windows 1


No more streaks
The first thing you can do with vinegar is to say goodbye to streaks!

When we clean windows, even with a considerable effort, especially when it comes to window panes, at first everything seems to shine, but very quickly we realize that it is still dirty. Nothing more unpleasant, right? And if your efforts were in vain, it is mainly because the product used was far from effective. It may have been rejected by the glass, not dried completely or rinsed properly.

White vinegar 14

No more dirt
The rain and bad weather to which we are subjected from time to time, especially in winter, cause dirt on windows and shutters. How can we restore them after being soiled by earth, humidity or rain?


Nothing could be simpler: you will need to fill a basin with hot water and put 2 glasses of white vinegar inside. Then dip a soft sponge in the mixture and pass it over the glass to make sure that all the dirt comes off. Then, rinse and dry several times with special and clean cotton or microfiber cloths.

Time for shine
This is the question that burns all lips: why do our glasses have so much trouble shining?

Due to dust and external agents, they quickly become opaque. It is only after a thorough cleaning that we see them shine. But for how long and is there a simpler and more effective method?

Of course there is and it is to white vinegar that we must say thank you! One of the properties that this fantastic ingredient gives us is precisely that of making all the surfaces on which it is used shine (it even works miracles on steel!).

To make glass shine, simply prepare a mixture with equal parts water and vinegar. To make it more practical, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on the glass, then wipe it directly with a cloth.
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