Understanding the LV 3 Point
The LV 3 point, also referred to as Tai Chong, is a key acupuncture point on the Liver meridian in traditional Chinese medicine. This point is located on the top of the foot, in the webbing between the first and second toes. To find the LV 3 point, slide your finger down between the first and second toes toward the ankle until you feel a slight depression; this is where the bones of the two toes meet. This point is considered crucial for maintaining a smooth flow of “Qi” (vital energy) throughout the body.
What Happens When You Press the LV 3 Point Daily?
Improved Liver Function and Detoxification
The liver is essential for detoxifying the body by filtering toxins and waste products from the blood. By stimulating the LV 3 point, you may enhance liver function, helping the organ perform its detoxifying role more efficiently. According to reflexology, the LV 3 point is directly connected to the liver, and regular massage of this point can promote better liver health, aiding in detoxification and improving overall energy levels.
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