A vitamin prevents calcium buildup in the arteries and heart | March 22, 2025

Did you know that vitamin K2 can prevent calcium buildup in the arteries? It’s an important compound for our cardiovascular system. I’ll explain how it works, and then we’ll talk about some excellent sources of this supervitamin! Ready?


First of all, there are two main types of vitamin K:

K1, found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, is important for blood clotting.
Vitamin K2, found primarily in animal foods and fermented foods. Many people aren’t familiar with vitamin K2, but it can prevent calcium buildup in the arteries and thus prevent blockages, helping to keep your heart healthy!
Let me share some common foods where vitamin K2 is found.

On closer inspection, nothing beats a healthy diet. No need for supplements!

Natto is a Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. It is rich in vitamin K2. Other good food choices rich in vitamin K2 include beef liver, butter from grass-fed cows, dark meats like goose leg, sauerkraut, certain cheeses, and egg yolks—especially those from free-range chickens.


You can get calcium from many different sources…

such as dark green leafy vegetables and almonds. You do not need to take a supplement unless your doctor recommends it.

What is important is vitamin D…

And the best way to get our vitamin D is from the sun. But sunlight can be dangerous if you’re exposed to too much ultraviolet radiation, or you may not get outside as much as you should. This is why many people are vitamin D deficient.


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