It all began when Barr announced her new show on Fox, a network known for its conservative leanings. The show, which was still in its early stages of development, was set to be a sitcom centered around Barr’s character, a working-class woman navigating the challenges of modern America. However, Barr’s decision to cast Rob Reiner in a recurring role raised eyebrows among her conservative supporters.
Barr’s decision to work with Reiner was seen as a surprising move, given their starkly different political beliefs. Reiner’s involvement in the project was meant to add a touch of political diversity to the show, showcasing differing opinions within the working-class community. However, as production progressed, it became clear that their political differences were causing friction on set.
The breaking point came during a table read for one of the show’s episodes. Barr and Reiner had a heated argument over the script, with Barr accusing Reiner of trying to insert his liberal agenda into the show. According to witnesses on set, the argument escalated to the point where Barr asked Reiner to leave the set and ultimately decided to fire him from the project.
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