Mix all ingredients in a glass.It is recommended that for two weeks you drink this 20 minutes before each meal (three times a day). After two weeks, just drink once a day before your breakfast or lunch. As with anything, if you have any health issues, please check with your doctor before you try this detox drink.
At 56, from 229 to 152, back to my skinny jeans and super in love with the new me and my new life!!!All thanks to a delicious Tropical Loophole
I’d always kept the jeans, but it was years since I fit into them… I had bigger problems to worry about!
I had zero confidence to really leave the house, constantly worried about who would be staring at me being 229+ and I could barely walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. I don’t remember exactly when it happened but I feel after having my kids, I was never the same.
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This is genius!
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