Obviously, if the situation is much more serious than normal, contact pest control professionals. Otherwise, try this remedy that will help you say goodbye to insects inside your home forever in just a few steps. You will only need very few ingredients to eliminate this very common problem: let’s find out how to do it, you will be amazed as soon as you see the result.
The Procedure For Repelling Insects Inside The House
In recent years, DIY remedies to solve some domestic problems have become very fashionable and obviously there is one to keep flies, cockroaches and ants away from your home. You will need a few ingredients: a lime, half a glass of white vinegar, 5 cloves and two tablespoons of alcohol.
The process is very simple, start by grating the lime zest and place it in a container together with all the other ingredients. Pour the mixture into a jar and let it rest for at least one night. The next day, filter the solution with a sieve and pour all the juice into a vaporizer.
Before using this fantastic liquid, shake the container and spray the mixture throughout the house, especially in the affected areas such as doors, windows and other points that favor the entry of these insects. In this way, flies, cockroaches and ants will stay away from your home, because the smell of all the ingredients will bother them a lot.
Thus, they will no longer enter your home, obviously, if necessary repeat the operation several times during the day. Right from the start, you will see that insects will no longer bother you. As we have already said, it is not a chemical product, in fact, it is completely natural , but be careful when spraying it especially if you have children or animals at home, as it contains alcohol and vinegar.
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