What other ingredients will be most useful for the purpose? In the next section we will highlight other amazing tricks to make ants disappear.
The other strategies
To solve the problem, there will also be other ingredients and methods that are all-natural and totally inexpensive. Ground cloves, for example, will come to your aid. All you will need to do is place this crumbled spice in the entrance areas of the home – balconies, door, windows – and you will be done. To avoid having ants in the bathroom, then, you can place cloves in the corners of the room.
The odors given off by the spice will act as a natural barrier and repellent. The same could apply to other specific spices, such as cinnamon or chili peppers. Basically, all very strong and intense smells are disliked by these little guests!
How can garlic not also be considered a strong odor? This ingredient will be one of the most effective natural repellents to keep ants away from the house and bathroom. The acrid smell of garlic, however, may be too much even for us. You can, therefore, place a few cloves of garlic in some small bags, placing them in various strategic spots.
The smell of coffee is another repellent that can act excellently. With the same method just seen with garlic, you can place the funds of this substance, which will develop an odor undesirable to ants!
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