However, there is no need to worry; the plant is placed in the bag and not in the vacuum cleaner itself so that the tiny leaves do not clog the machine.
The versatility and adaptability of the bay tree make it an ideal substitute for scented candles, incense sticks and room sprays, as well as many other uses around the home.
When we light candles or incense sticks, the combustion process can make the air less healthy and even leave a burning smell in the air even after we turn them off.
Laurel: That’s exactly why the vacuum cleaner is the right choice.
In any case, if we place the bay leaf in the vacuum bag, the activity of the device will distribute its contents and aroma throughout every area of our home.
Since bay leaves, whether in the form of leaves or as a whole plant, are available on the market for a few euros, we can clean and perfume our rooms without spending a lot of money and the scent lasts for a long time.
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