Clean the shower frequently
It goes without saying, but we must recognize that we tend to neglect this area a bit due to lack of time or simple forgetfulness. However, it is essential to get into the habit of applying a cleaning product regularly to prevent the growth of limescale and mold around the shower. This will allow you to avoid a more tedious deep cleaning.
To keep your shower clean, make a cleaner by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar. Spray the solution on the interior surfaces of the shower, then rinse with warm water. Remember that good bathroom ventilation is essential to avoid the accumulation of mold, especially in the shower.
Keep the roof clean
We don’t think about it, but it’s important to clean the bathroom ceiling! In fact, much of the humidity produced in the environment is deposited there, hence the almost inevitable formation of mold. To remedy the problem, use a combination of salt and baking soda to clean the roof at least 3 or 4 times a year.
NB: You may not know it, but salt is very effective at killing bacteria and mold. Thanks to its abrasive appearance, it removes all types of stains and dirt, even traces of tartar.
Clean the bathtub
The same goes for the bathtub: frequent application of a cleaning product avoids having to do a deeper and more laborious cleaning. The more you neglect its maintenance, the more difficult the stains will be to remove!
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