Clove is a spice very appreciated for its nutritional properties
These can be found during any month of the year and are rich in mineral salts such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and also many vitamins in minute quantities.
This spice has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve pain . They also help fight fatigue and even depression according to some. There are no contraindications to using cloves unless you are allergic to them. But let’s see what to do with these two products together.
Orange and cloves: here’s how to prepare them together
- But what many don’t know is that orange peel is also very beneficial and not just the juice or pulp . Combining orange and cloves is very simple, in fact you just have to make a tea with these two using the orange zest and this very fragrant spice.
- Drinking hot tea is very good for the body as it helps prevent a number of problems. It is particularly good for mood because it contains catechins, a substance that helps neutralize free radicals.
Making tea at home is very simple and we’ll show you how to make it with orange and cloves.
Continue reading on next page….
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