In yet another episode of Elon Musk vs. the Universe, the billionaire tech mogul has added another media outlet to his ever-growing list of enemies. This time, it’s ABC, the venerable network that brought you The Bachelor and Dancing With the Stars, now receiving Musk’s signature blend of disdain and dismissal.
Sweet and Savory Beet and Carrot Skillet
Love making a huge batch of this and freezing for later! Quick and easy meal!
White Chicken Chili
I’m certain this will be unfamiliar to you.
Unlocking the Power of Celery: A Supercharged Recipe for Liver Health
This Recipe Is Called “Christmas Crack” And Let’s Just Say Everyone Goes Nuts Over It
Creamy Milk Ice Cream: A Scoop of Simple Pleasure
Steak Bites with Garlic Butter
Unveiling the Natural Power of Onion Juice for Skin Care