With the controversy showing no signs of slowing down, the future of NFL scholarships could be in jeopardy. Some colleges and universities are reportedly reconsidering their ties to the PFATS scholarship program, worried that the organization’s new stance could alienate potential students and players.
One university president, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, “We have to think about the message we’re sending to our students. If we align ourselves with PFATS on this issue, are we saying that we value conformity over conviction? That’s not the kind of message we want to send.”
Meanwhile, inside the NFL locker rooms, the issue has created a rift between players who believe in the right to peaceful protest and those who think that standing for the anthem is non-negotiable. Coaches are reportedly struggling to keep the focus on the game as players debate the merits of kneeling versus standing, with some even suggesting that the issue be settled on the field in a good old-fashioned Oklahoma drill.