Eucalyptus oil. Their aroma is very pleasant for us humans, but impossible for insects to tolerate. In addition to using it to wash the floor, you can mix it with water and spray it in the corners of your home.
Cedar oil. It is a natural insecticide that is a great help against cockroaches and ants and will make the whole house smell excellent.
Rosemary oil. This aromatic plant is widely used in cooking and in natural medicine, but is toxic to many types of insects. Mix it with water or pour a few drops into the solution you use to wash the floor.
Oregano oil. Its aroma is very pleasant and is capable of repelling both ants and insects. Its effect is longer lasting than other oils.
Laurel oil. Laurel is one of the best-known remedies against cockroaches. You can also use it to deodorize your home.
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