1. Wash raw chicken with cold water
For illustrative purposes only.
Most housewives wash raw chicken with cold water before cooking it to eliminate any dirt from the meat. If you listen to it, this rationale appears reasonable because raw chicken is frequently susceptible to the introduction of bacteria such as campylobacter and salmonella into the human body, which is harmful to your health.
However, washing chicken with cold water does not eradicate bacteria; instead, wash it with warm water, which is superior.
2. Blanch chicken with boiling water
For illustrative purposes only.
Many ladies blanch chicken before cooking to kill any bacteria in the meat. However, experts believe that germs only die at temperatures of 100 degrees or above.
Blanching in boiling water does not produce the desired outcomes. Bacteria can remain infiltrate chicken legs after they have been chopped. At the same time, this causes the chicken to lose its flavor.
3. Cook chicken before defrosting
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