_ Preheat the oven th.6 (180°C).
_ Let the foie gras warm up to room temperature for approximately 1 hour.
_ Separate the 2 lobes and devein them.
_ In a bowl, place the mixture of 4 spices, the salt with a pinch of pepper and sugar. Mix everything then sprinkle the entire surface of the foie gras lobes with this spice preparation.
_ Pack the duck foie gras into a terrine, placing the large lobe at the bottom and the small one on top. Compress and tighten well, then cover the terrine with baking paper.
_ Place the terrine in a deep dish containing hot water. Bake for around 40 min.
_ Take the terrine out of the oven and remove 3/4 of the melted fat by pouring it into a saucepan. Place a board with a weight of 1 kg on the foie gras and set aside to cool.
_ Remove the weight and the board. Pour the previously heated fat onto the terrine and leave to rest for 2 days in a cool place.
_ Cut your duck foie gras terrine into slices and serve them with a succulent lamb’s lettuce salad.
You can then accompany your duck foie gras terrine with a foie gras sauce, mango chutney and onion confit.
Feel free to add slices of gingerbread or toast, as you wish.
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