Tips for using the iron correctly
When ironing, mistakes are often made that may seem trivial at the time, but they are not at all. Firstly, you should avoid going over zippers and buttons, then when ironing synthetic fibre garments it is recommended to place a cloth between the iron and the fabric, so that it does not stick to the iron. If you make this mistake, you will not only ruin your garment, but also your iron. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water to avoid lime build-up and to completely empty the tank every time you use it.

If you have an iron that is too old , maintenance can always be useful, but you cannot expect miracles, because an iron that has had its day cannot have much left to give . All that remains is to buy a new one. Today there are several models on the market, both traditional and modern, there are even vertical irons that allow you to remedy small wrinkles in a few minutes without having to take out the ironing board.
Those who do little ironing can settle for a classic iron , while those with a large family can buy an iron suitable for ironing large quantities of laundry, for example a professional one with a boiler. The latter requires more attention.
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