✅ Step 3: Insulate Your Water Heater
Wrap your water heater with an insulation blanket to retain heat longer, so it doesn’t have to reheat as often.
Lower the water heater temperature to 49°C (120°F)—most people don’t need hotter water, and this cuts energy use.
✅ Step 4: Cook Multiple Meals at Once
If you’re using the oven, bake or roast multiple dishes in one go to maximize gas use.
If boiling water, save it for tea, coffee, or cooking later instead of reheating.
✅ Step 5: Regular Maintenance
Clean your burners regularly to improve efficiency and prevent gas waste.
Check for leaks! Even a small gas leak can waste a lot over time.
🔥 Results? Up to 30–50% Gas Savings!
By following these simple tricks, you’ll use less gas without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Gas suppliers don’t want you to know this because less usage = less profit for them! Try these tips and watch your gas bill shrink. 😊💰
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A sparkling clean house, these ingredients are enough: everything is as good as new again.