– Step 1: dilute the salt and water mixture
– Step 2: put the silver items in a bowl of water and soak overnight
– Step 3: The next morning, rinse with water and polish the jewelry with a dry cloth.
2. Aluminum foil
Aluminum foil can help your silver look clean and new.
– Aluminum foil
– Hot water
– 10g salt
How to do it:
– Step 1: Take a large sheet of aluminum foil and use it to line the inside of a large bowl
– Step 2: Fill a bowl with hot water and add salt.
– Step 3: Submerge your silver items and let them soak for 10 minutes.
– Step 4: Dry them and polish them with a soft cloth to make them shine like new.
3. Banana Peel
Use the inside of the banana peel, which will help you remove dirt from metal objects.
Just take a fresh banana peel and use it to polish your silver. Use it to polish any object you want. You may need to repeat this process several times with a few different banana peels.
4. Lemon Salt
The lemon salt mixture has many uses, it is very good for cleaning and restoring silver.
– One lemon
– 5g salt
How to make:
– Step 1: Cut the lemon in half, dip it in salt and use it to polish the surface of the jewelry.
– Step 2: Rub for a few minutes
– Step 3: Rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth.
5. Toothpaste
This is one of the many uses for toothpaste. It makes a great polish for silver.
– Toothpaste
– Hot water
– Soap
How to do it:
– Step 1: Wash the object to be polished in hot water with mild soap
– Step 2: Rub it with a small amount of toothpaste.
– Step 3: After polishing for 5 minutes, rinse and dry with a damp cloth.
Bring lemon and bay leaves to a boil; you can’t even begin to comprehend all the advantages.
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Okay, after seeing these, you definitely will want this on your next burger, or just as a snack! So creative!
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