Let’s find out what you will get at the end of this process and all the additional steps to achieve it. Here is everything you need to know about it.
The original idea!
The first steps to make something original have been mentioned. At the end of the whole process, you will get a beautiful object holder. In the different spaces, you will then be able to place pens, pencils, scissors, brushes and many accessories that will be useful to you at other times. Let’s find out how to complete this magnificent creation.
What to do with these rolls
The holder can vary in size, depending on how many boxes you have. They will then all need to be covered with the fabric and glued together.
In each of these ‘containers’ you can put all the small accessories you have at home. To give an even greater aesthetic touch to this handmade object holder, you can also cut out a piece of cardboard to create a base.
A cotton ribbon and jute thread will allow you to tie the different cardboards and the base together and personalize this incredible creation even more. The glue will still be the accessory that will be very useful in this regard.
We have seen the method to create an original object holder. However, with recycled toilet rolls you can also create many other ideas, such as a pen holder. You can let your imagination run wild and use these old cardboard boxes to make practical accessories for your home or office!
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