Make Use of These Incredibly Useful Benefits from Tomatoes You Might Consider Throwing Away.
Most homemakers rush to toss away rotting, spoilt tomatoes, unaware that they are wasting a treasure trove. Take advantage of these highly valuable benefits from tomatoes that appear to be simply for throwing away.
1. Grow Plants from Spoiled Tomatoes

First, carefully cut the rotting tomatoes into small slices. Make sure the seeds within the tomatoes are not damaged.
Next, fill a container or pot with loose soil and arrange the tomato slices flat on the soil, making sure they don’t overlap. After that, cover them with a thin layer of soil, about 1-2 cm deep, and lightly water to keep it moist.
Place the pot or container in a brightly lit place and water it on a regular basis to maintain the soil moist, but avoid overwatering as this may cause the plants to rot. After around 1-2 months, the tomato plants will flower and produce fruit. When the tomatoes are mature, you can harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
2. Use Rotten Tomatoes as Fertilizer

Slice the rotten tomatoes into small pieces. Then, place the chopped tomatoes in a clean bottle, cover with rice water, and let sit for 3-5 days. You will have a natural fertilizer that is ideal for your plants.
Rice water has long been known to nurture plants. When the rice water is fermented with tomatoes, its nutritional content increases even more, allowing your plants to sprout and bloom magnificently.
3. Use Rotten Tomatoes to Deodorize the Refrigerator
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