1. Place 1/4 cup flour, salt, 1 tablespoon sugar and warm milk in a bowl.
2. Mix and let sit for 30 minutes until fermented.
3. Place remaining flour, sugar and room temperature butter in a large bowl.
4. Mix with your hands until sandy, add egg and mix.
5. Place on a smooth surface, make a hole and add fermented dough. Integrate and knead.
6. Knead until soft, smooth and elastic. Cover and let rest with a tea towel and let rest for 30 minutes.
Say Goodbye to Calluses with This Natural Remedy
Couldn’t walk and now runs like a little girl! Just 1 tablespoon!
Nana used to make this on the regular, and now we do! So refreshing and tasty! We make a huge batch and drink it over several weeks!
Keeping Eggs Fresh Without a Refrigerator: Ancient Tips
Creamy Angel Chicken Pasta
Juice of Life!!! Beetroot, Carrot, and Banana!
My other half can’t get enough of this recipe. We barely polish off one serving and he’s itching for more.