13 Things From Your Facebook You Should Delete Right Now (Page 3 ) | July 31, 2024

Location Services


While sometimes it’s fun to let people know where you are and what you’re doing, what you’re also doing is letting the bad guys know that your house is empty and clear to break into. Also, you’re telling people where and when to find you, which is also dangerous. Just turn off your location services already. (1)

Your Vacation Destination

Even with location services turned off, sometimes you want to talk about where you are – but consider avoiding that, too! Instead of posting pictures of where you are while you’re there, or where you’re going before you leave, just save that information for later. It’ll help protect you from all kinds of risks. (1, 5)

Your Travel Tickets and Plans


We’re all excited to get a boarding pass, especially when it’s to a tropical island or cross-country trip, but sharing that information publically won’t be exciting when a predator gets hold of it and decides to meet you where you land. You also don’t want people to know you’re away from home, or it could create an opportunity for burglary. Just avoid these kinds of photos. (1, 3)

When you post something online, it is hard to take it back! You never know if something you post will exist forever in other locations or put you at risk. Better safe than sorry!


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