Despite the challenges posed by California’s progressive court system, Tinsley managed to meet his son for the first time when Sawyer was 15 months old. He recounted various instances of what he described as manipulative behavior by Sawyer’s mother. Such as organizing a girly-themed second birthday party for him and insisting he wears a dress. Tinsley alleged that she took Sawyer to Disneyland but only allowed him on rides if he wore princess shoes.
Legal Intervention and CPS Investigation
Tinsley alleged that Sawyer’s mother tried to force him to identify himself as non-binary.
The turning point in the custody battle came after Sawyer’s mother was arrested for felony child endangerment. Tinsley sought full custody, alleging defamation and slander by the mother. Despite presenting extensive evidence, including police bodycam footage and numerous documents, the court initially ruled in favor of the mother. Tinsley appealed the decision, and an investigation by Child Protective Services (CPS) ultimately recommended that Tinsley be granted full custody. The investigation, which involved CPS in San Francisco, led to the recommendation for the mother to undergo regular drug and alcohol testing
The Importance of Putting Politics Aside
Non-Binary – Tinsley appealed the decision last December.
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