Blood circulation in the body improves and this organ simply destroys old blood cells and creates new ones, creating a blood reserve. Overall, sleeping on the left side helps prevent various diseases.
3.- Reduces back problems
This is the position that provides the most benefits to the rest of the spine, which your back and neck will appreciate a lot.
4.- Improves cardiac activity. Believe it or not, sleeping on the left side reduces pressure on the heart and improves blood circulation through the aortic artery thanks to gravity.
5.- Helps the lymphatic system
Because it is the part of the body where this system dominates, it facilitates the filtration of waste products that occurs in the lymph nodes.
6.- Promotes calm in pregnant women
Since this situation improves blood flow, the embryo and the uterus itself receive more blood, as well as the kidneys. This avoids pressure on the liver and relieves back pain.
7.- Less snoring
Sleeping on the left side helps prevent the throat tissue from colliding with the tongue, thus preventing annoying snoring.
8.- Sleep faster and better
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