It would be hygienic to remove them at the entrance to the house so as not to bring all the dirt from the outside into the rooms, but sometimes we don’t mind or we just have to take something from a room and then leave again .
The choice of which shoes to buy is very important, because the entire weight of our body rests on the feet and therefore having uncomfortable shoes also prevents us from walking perfectly.
For this reason, each of us gets to know our body and our foot and therefore decides which shoe to buy based not only on model and design appeal, but also on comfort and grip.
However, often we find cheap and attractive shoes and buy them by quickly trying them on or even buying them just because we had a similar pair and so we go with our eyes closed.
Sometimes, however, we find ourselves with tight shoes and we can no longer take them back for exchange and so we have to find a solution to get them in without having to resell them or even throw them away.
What happens when inserted into shoes
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