During an impromptu press conference at SpaceX’s headquarters (because where else?), Musk said that America needed a “bold leader” like Trump to “restore common sense and get things done.” He delivered the endorsement with the same casual flair he uses when announcing his plans for Mars colonization—leaving the nation wondering if Musk has truly become a political kingmaker or if he’s just taking us all for a ride in his personal space shuttle.
With a straight face and the occasional bemused smirk, Musk detailed his reasons for endorsing the former president and calling for a Republican takeover. “Look, I’m not saying everything was perfect under Trump,” Musk began, as though addressing the obvious elephant in the room. “But the man knows how to shake things up. Right now, this country is suffocating under regulations and inefficiency. We need disruption, and Trump is the master of disruption.”
For those who have followed Musk’s career, the idea that he’s a fan of disruption shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, this is the man who built an electric car empire, developed reusable rockets, and casually tweets about sending humanity to Mars as if he’s booking an Uber ride. So perhaps it makes sense that Musk would see a kindred spirit in Trump—a man whose presidency was one long string of headline-making disruptions, whether you loved it or hated it.
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