Do you want to save time and money while keeping your home clean? Try these easy aluminum foil tricks that not only work in the toilet tank, but also when doing laundry.
Most of us tend to have things around the house that we don’t normally use. Or, we use them for a completely different activity than what we could actually do. For example, aluminum foil . We normally use it when we want to prepare a sandwich for the children at school or cover the food that we put in the refrigerator so that it does not dry out.
Aluminum foil cleans the toilet
Aluminum foil balls are an invaluable helper around the home, although many people do not know under what circumstances they can be used. For example, you can keep clean the toilet cistern that turns yellow inside over time due to hard water. Just rub a little with the aluminum foil and you’ll have a clean, white toilet just like when you started using it. This is one of the first tips, but there are others that you will surely apply in your home.
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