One is his defense of affirmative action. In one of his last moments on Fox News,Geraldo defended that race-based policy and described himself as being a product of it, saying:
“I was a product of affirmative action over a half a century ago … When the Ford Foundation and Columbia Journalism School got together to integrate the local news teams in New York, there were no black reporters, no Hispanic reporters, no women.”
Continuing, he added that because that lack of diversity was “shocking,” he was chosen to be one of the diverse candidates. In his words : “And it was shocking. And that was as late as 1968, 69. So I was selected. I was making news representing a group of Puerto Rican activists, the Young Lords, who had taken over some buildings up in the Spanish Harlem. And I was their lawyer and their negotiator. And I made a lot of news as their spokesperson. And so I got discovered that way, and they drafted me through the Columbia program, and the rest is history.”
Refreshing Detox Water: Lemon, Strawberry, Mint, and Cucumber
Crafting the Perfect Homemade Tomato Sauce
Ground Beef And Peppers Skillet
Plant peppers in this way and you will have a very rich and abundant harvest.
2-Ingredient Banana Cake
A Turkish Delight: Transforming Broccoli and Cauliflower into Culinary Wonders
A Seamstress with 60 Years of Experience Told Me This Secret!
Brie-Stuffed Acorn Squash with Cranberry-Walnut Filling
Creamy Beef and Bowtie Pasta