Doina Canta, who swims every morning off the beach where Sam was injured, stated that it could be sting ray, as a man in her Icebergers swimming group had been stung about six months ago and bled extensively.
“It was a bit of a freak thing to happen. I’m not really sure what to think of it,” Sam said on Sunday.
In an email, Jarrod Kanizay warned that “something ate Sam’s legs. If you are a member of the [Brighton] Ice Bergers or running groups that ice their legs at Brighton, then you may want to repost this to warn them to not stand still in it too long…”

Jarrod said of their experience at Sandringham Hospital: “We had the emergency room full of everybody that was working there just fascinated, they were all on Google afterwards, hypothesizing as to what happened. They pretty much had 10 different hypotheses but nothing yet.”