Goodbye bed bugs in the house, they hate them: the infallible remedy to keep them away (Page 2 ) | March 16, 2025

Bedbugs in the house
With this trick we will definitely solve this problem. Bedbugs are very resistant insects, but there is a specific product that they do not tolerate. A product that they find repellent and unbearable and that will scare them away in a few seconds. The advantage is that for us it is a product with a very pleasant fragrance and also very easy to prepare at home: it is completely natural and only takes a few steps. In fact, what we need are just a few mint leaves or mint essential oil. Let’s see together how to prepare this mixture to eliminate bedbugs without killing them.
Mint against bedbugs: an infallible remedy
If for us the smell of mint is pleasant and refreshing, for bedbugs it is a real hell. The smell of mint drives them away immediately. It is therefore a good idea to prepare a particular mixture to always have on hand to spray when necessary. What is needed is a spray bottle as a container for our magic mixture. The container will be filled with water and a few drops of mint essential oil. We can spray this mixture on curtains, sofas, near windows, balconies or wherever we prefer. In addition, we will get the whole house to smell good, saving on air fresheners, a double advantage. If you prefer to use mint leaves, you should let them infuse in hot water for a few hours. Once everything has cooled down, you can proceed to filter the mint water that you can put into the spray bottle using a funnel. Here is the best method there is, try it!


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