The perfect pot for your jasmine cutting is one that has good drainage, but doesn’t have too much water retention. You should place it out of direct sun so you can control its temperature and humidity levels as well!
To maintain humidity for cuttings in a pot or another container, choose one of these methods:
- Place the entire container into either an open clear plastic bag with as much air enclosed before closing it off by tying an elastic band around its circumference.
- To make sure your plant remains healthy, cover the pot with a bell jar or plastic jug. The bottom of it should be cut off so that only its top cap remains screwed on; this will help maintain moisture in and around the roots! You can also check up on it from time-to-time just to make sure the soil stays moist.
Tip: Have patience while waiting for your jasmine cutting to take root. It may not be ready in its permanent spot for four to five weeks, but it’s worth the wait!
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