Additional Tips for a Bright Smile
Floss regularly.
Use orange peels at bedtime to scrub your teeth without rinsing your mouth. Orange peel acts as an antibacterial agent.
Eat spicy foods that stimulate the salivary gland. The salivary gland helps clean your mouth naturally.
Use a soft brush so as not to irritate your gums. Brushing should be done vertically.
Some foods can help to have better dental hygiene:
Swiss cheese and cheddar can neutralize the acids that create plaque. This happens if you eat the cheese before meals. In aged cheese, there is an ingredient that acts as a protective barrier.
Tomatoes and strawberries are rich in vitamin C. Put these fruits on your teeth and let them sit for about 5 minutes. This will soften the tartar. After that, rinse your mouth with baking soda and warm water. You can use other foods that contain a high amount of vitamin C such as papaya, berries, oranges, lemons, etc.
Due to the abrasive properties of baking soda, it is advisable not to apply it more than once a week.
To combat plaque, tartar and yellowing of teeth, follow these 4 steps:
1. In a cup, mix half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of baking soda. Use warm water to wet the toothbrush and dip it in the mixture. Scrub your teeth with this preparation for 5 minutes and spit.
2. In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with half a cup of warm water. Gargle your mouth with this mixture. Do this for a minute, then spit it out. Then rinse your mouth with cold water.
3. Use a toothpick to scrub off the yellow tartar. However, keep in mind that you should not scratch the gums so as not to irritate them.
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