HOMEMADE GREEK YOGURT | January 19, 2024
- 1 liter of whole milk
- 100 ml of liquid cream (35% fat)
- 125 ml of natural yogurt
- Pour 1 liter of whole milk and 100 ml of liquid cream into a pot. Heat very slowly at a gentle temperature until it reaches 80°C, which will take about 30 or 40 minutes.
- It’s important to use a thermometer to properly control the milk’s temperature.
- Once the thermometer indicates the desired temperature, remove the pot from the heat and wait for it to cool to 37°C or 40°C.
- When the mixture reaches this temperature (and not before, as a higher temperature could deactivate the fermenting bacteria), add 125 g of standard natural yogurt, which can be homemade or store-bought. It doesn’t need to be Greek. This yogurt will act as a ferment. Mix well.
- Cover the mixture with a cheesecloth or cotton cloth, and you can place a lid
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I was totally out of the loop before! Can’t wait to try this!