Taking Care of Knobs and Handles: For the purpose of reducing the spread of germs, it is important to clean and disinfect high-contact areas on a regular basis, such as handles and knobs, particularly the flush handle.
Putting first Maintenance on a Routine Basis: In order to keep the restroom environment constantly clean, you should include these cleaning procedures into your usual routine.
Read more about how Grandma’s 3-Day Cleanse may help you revitalize your liver here.
A Few Suggestions for Making Your Own Natural Bathroom Cleaner
Because of its ability to clean and disinfect, white vinegar that has been distilled should be used.
For additional aroma and antibacterial effects, try experimenting with a variety of essential oils, such as tea tree or lavender.
If you want to keep the effectiveness of your homemade cleaner, you should keep it in a cold, dark spot.