Orchids are a passion that many of us share, and it’s no wonder. These wonderful plants give us some of the most beautiful flowers in nature, with the most varied shapes and colors. However, they have a small drawback: they are really expensive.
Few people know, however, that orchids can also be propagated at home , following precise but very simple processes. Preferred methods include propagation through cuttings, sowing, dividing a plant, and stem propagation.
The orchid leaf alone is not suitable for propagation. It does not have growth points that can give life to new roots. That is why it will be necessary to remove a leaf with a small piece of the trunk.
Few people know, however, that orchids can also be propagated at home , following precise but very simple processes. Preferred methods include propagation through cuttings, sowing, dividing a plant, and stem propagation.
The orchid leaf alone is not suitable for propagation. It does not have growth points that can give life to new roots. That is why it will be necessary to remove a leaf with a small piece of the trunk.
Before you start propagating an orchid from a leaf , prepare the necessary tools. You need sharp, sterilized garden shears, a plastic container, some filtered water, and the following fertilizers: a rooting agent, some activated charcoal, and a mixture of cytokines and succinic acid.
The process of propagating an orchid from a leaf is one of the most complex and slow: the roots can take more than a year to develop.
The leaf to be propagated must be taken from a healthy adult plant. Use the scissors to cut the leaf and the piece of trunk, then let it dry for 8 hours.
Next, pour some rooting agent over the leaf and the piece of trunk. Dissolve some activated charcoal in water and then put the leaf and stem in the solution. The neck of the sprout should be completely submerged in water.
Before planting the orchid in potting soil, check for signs of mold or rotting pieces of the plant.
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