In reality, to have clean and shiny glass , it is not necessary to resort to industrial products which, among other things, almost all contain ammonia, especially those made specifically for glass.
You already have the most effective ingredients for cleaning windows at home and they are nothing more than talcum powder and water . The technique for cleaning and making glass shine with talcum powder is as simple as it is fast.
Pour some water at room temperature into a bowl, then add two tablespoons of talcum powder and mix well until it dissolves. Make sure there are no lumps left.
To use it, just dip a cloth in the bowl, wring it out well and pass it over the entire glass. Then use a clean cloth to wipe the glass and collect any residue.
Alternatively, you can pour the solution into a bottle equipped with a spray diffuser. Shake well and spray on the glass, then use a microfiber or cotton cloth to clean and dry well.
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Domowy Sernik Bez Spodu
Bring lemon and bay leaves to a boil; you can’t even begin to comprehend all the advantages.