You left your iron on a garment for a little too long, and now it has a burn mark as a pattern. Don’t panic, there are some fairly simple solutions to remove it, including this trick with two ingredients that you probably already have.
Every week, it’s the same old story. It’s time to do your laundry, and once the clothes are dry, iron them. This might not be your favorite part, you tend to favor materials that don’t need ironing, or you’re desperate for tips on how to remove wrinkles from your clothes without an iron. Either way, sometimes the ironing part is unavoidable. We’ve shared the TikTok trick of using aluminum foil to save time in the process.
How To Grow New Hydrangeas From Cuttings
Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: here are 10 clever uses in the garden
Don’t throw away old t-shirts
I’m crazy about it, Italian apple cake in 3 minutes
Put raw thinly sliced sweet potatoes in a slow cooker with these 4 ingredients. You’ll never eat them another way.
Mice in the garden, if you spray this liquid they will disappear after a few hours
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The Benefits of Freezing Lemons
Strawberry Lemonade Loaf