Coffee stains, blood stains or other stains… Over the years, our mattresses get stained with various types of stains. If you have trouble cleaning them, don’t panic! There is a great trick to fix this and make your mattress clean at a lower cost.
From accidental spills, sweat, food or wine, your mattress inevitably retains unsightly marks and stains that are difficult to remove. Here’s how to get rid of them.

How to remove stains from your mattress?
Before cleaning the mattress, start by removing all the bedding, including sheets and pillows, and put them in the washing machine. At the same time, you will then vacuum the mattress, making sure not to neglect the sides and the underside of the bed. Next, lift the mattress and vacuum the part between the mattress and the box springs.

Now that you have rid your bed of the easiest to remove dirt, mix a few drops of essential oil with 1 cup of baking soda and mix. Using a strainer, sprinkle the scented powder by shaking it all over the mattress and let it sit until you finish washing and drying your bedding. Then, vacuum the baking soda from the mattress. Baking soda works to eradicate dust mites and bacteria present in the mattress.

After this step, you can clean the stains with baking soda again, which you mix with coarse salt and a little water to form a paste . You will use this paste to scrub the stained areas of the mattress. Let it sit for 30 minutes before wiping with a clean cloth or paper towel. All you have to do is remake your bed by putting the clean bedding and sheets back in their place.
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