It’s both sustainable and good for your wallet to return deposit cans after use. However, it’s not always practical to store used cans in your house. They can leak or attract pests. With these tips, you can store cans cleanly at home.
75% Are Returned
Since April 1, 2023, a deposit has been applied to all drink cans. According to the Stichting Verpact, the organization representing the packaging industry in charge of collecting these cans, 75% of the cans were returned in the first quarter of 2024. The goal is to increase this to 90% by 2026.
How Can You Store Deposit Cans?
In April 2024, Hester Klein Lankhorst, the managing director of Stichting Verpact, told EW that storing empty cans is the biggest hurdle in reaching that 90% target. We asked Miranda Boer, spokesperson for Stichting Verpact, if they have found a solution by now. “We recommend shaking the can well to ensure as few leftovers as possible. However, during warm weather, it’s difficult to keep fruit flies away. It helps to store the cans sealed and return them as soon as possible, but we don’t have the ultimate solution.”
Other Tips
You can store empty cans in the fridge. Although this may not sound very practical, it does reduce the chance of pests. Unfortunately, the cans take up a lot of space, so this is only a good solution if you return them regularly. If you store your cans for weeks before returning them all at once, this may not be a suitable option.
To prevent the cans from denting or falling over, you can store them in a box or can holder. Be sure to clean the holder regularly so it doesn’t become sticky and attract pests. It’s best to replace the boxes if any soda spills on them. To prevent any soda from leaking out of the cans, you can rinse them after use. Just make sure the barcode remains visible, or you won’t get your deposit back.
What About If You Have Your Groceries Delivered?
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